Health Benefits of Nuts

Health Benefits of Almond

Almonds are tasty and healthy snacks that are capable of increasing one’s intellectual ability. Almonds are a healthy treat and possess several health benefits. It is one of the most beloved nuts that are consumed in various ways. Almond oil, almond butter, almond milk and almond flour are different forms of almond. It is crushed and sprinkled over desserts to make it tastier. Almonds are power packed with high calories but in spite of that, it helps people to reduce weight.


The scientific name of Almond is ‘Prunus dulcis’ and is a fruit of the deciduous tree. Almonds are rich in calories and are covered with a brown hard shell. Brown hard shell is removed first to make it ready to eat. Sweet and bitter almonds are the two types of almonds. A bitter form of almond contains prussic acid which is a toxic substance. The prussic acid in its refined form is cyanide which is a deadly poison. Bitter almonds are processed to remove this toxic substance before it can be used. Bitter almonds find its use mainly in cooking while sweet almond has several uses. Sweet almonds find its use in desserts, puddings and garnishes etc.

Nutritional Value of Almond

Almonds possess high nutritional value and are categorized as one of the healthiest nuts. ¼ cup (around 35 grams) of almonds contain high energy of 206 calories with also carbohydrates (6 g), protein (7.6 g), fiber (4.1 g), monosaturated fat (18 g) and sugar (1.7 g). It contains several vitamins that include – Vitamin Avitamin B and vitamin E. It also contains essential nutrients and minerals required by the body that includes – Calciumironmagnesium, phosphorus, zincpotassium, molybdenum, selenium and folic acid. Thus, almonds form a complete diet.

Help in increasing brain activity

Almonds are very good for boosting brain health. They are instrumental in giving you a good intellectual level and protect you against diseases like alzheimer’s. Studies show that it contains two nutrients namely riboflavin and L-carnitine, which help in brain development and also help in increasing brain activity. Almonds are highly nutritional and contain many essential nutrients. It also boosts the functioning of the neurological system and helps in the development of new neurons in the brain. Studies show that consumption of overnight soaked almonds is much better than eating it raw. Almond oil is also very good for health

Boost bone and teeth health

Almonds are rich in calcium and phosphorus which help in strengthening your bones and teeth. It also helps in preventing bone and teeth related diseases. Almonds are rich in essential nutrients and minerals that help in relieving joint pain. They are rich in vitamin-E which help in greasing the joints and prevent wear and tear of bone. It also prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis in elderly people.

Make your heart healthy

Vitamin – E in almonds help improve heart health and prevents the heart from any kind of blockage. Studies show that almonds prevent a heart attack by reducing cholesterol levels in your body. It also helps in maintaining the blood flow through arteries and protects its walls too.

Lowers down bad cholesterol levels

Almonds help in the tangential growth of good cholesterol (High-density Lipoproteins) while lowering down bad cholesterol (Low-density Lipoproteins) in your body. Thus, it helps in regulating cholesterol levels which is very good for the proper functioning of heart and liver.

Lowers down High blood pressure

Almonds help in keeping a check on your high blood pressure. It regulates your fluctuating blood pressure and tries to normalize it. It is rich in potassium and helps in lowering high blood pressure. This nut also helps in lowering your stress levels and anxiety which increases your blood pressure.

Good for skin and hair health

Almonds are very good for skin as they help in nourishing the skin. Almonds are rich in vitamin – E that helps in moisturizing your skin and also prevents the occurrence of various skin diseases, such as acne, pimple etc. Consumption of almonds on a daily basis helps you to maintain a clear and glowing skin. Studies also show that almonds help in lightening the complexion of your skin. Almonds are also very good for the health of your hair. People apply almond oil to their hair in order to strengthen it. Studies prove that almonds help in making the hair strong, healthy and dark. It prevents your hair from going grey, frizzy and damaged. It also helps people having a dandruff problem.

Give strength to your immune system

Almond contains all the essential nutrients and minerals that help in giving strength to your immune system. It helps you against various infections and allergies. It also helps you to stay away from many diseases by boosting your overall health. It helps in making your liver strong by helping in its detoxification process. Almond possesses anti-oxidant properties which help in preventing diseases

Strengthen metabolism

It helps in boosting your energy levels by filling you up with essential nutrients and vitamins that are required by your body. It gives strength to the organs, muscles, and tissues which help you to carry out day-to-day routine. Handful of almonds make a powerhouse of energy

Good for pregnant women

Almonds are rich in folic acid and studies show that it is very important to eat almonds during the prenatal phase. It helps the fetus in its growth and helps in the building of new cells. It also helps in preventing birth defects in the fetus like neural tube defect. It suffices all the needs in pregnancy.

Weight loss

It helps in shedding off excess weight from your body. It also helps in maintaining proper body weight. It is rich in vitamin – E which helps in loosening of the deposited fat in your body. Almonds pull down your appetite and you will feel full and it will mask your food craving. Studies show that almonds helped obese people to shed off extra pounds from their body.

Improves digestion

Almonds help in clearing your bowel as it is rich in fiber. It also gives strength to your intestines and prevents you against gastrointestinal diseases. It helps in preventing constipation which is a major problem of elderly people.

Help fight cancer

Almonds are rich in fiber and also possess essential nutrients and minerals that make our body healthy. They also help in preventing cancer and lowers down its risk. Studies show that consumption of a handful of almonds daily reduces the risk of colon cancer significantly.

Uses of Almond

Almonds can be consumed removing its outer hard shell. You should avoid processed or sugar coated nuts which decrease its health benefits. Excessive roasting or heating of almonds can destroy its anti-oxidant properties and you should avoid eating those. Almonds can be best consumed after soaking it overnight. Soaking of almonds increases its health benefits and avoids the occurrence of any kind of allergy. Usually, it is prescribed to consume soaked almonds during summer because almonds contain high energy.

Side-Effects & Allergies of Almond

If you eat small quantities of almonds daily, then it will not cause any side effects. However, eating lots of almonds can cause several side effects and allergies. Eating too many almonds mean you are overdosing yourself with excess minerals and vitamins that will lead to gastrointestinal problems, such as nauseaabdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation. It may also lead to put on weight and become obese. It can interfere with your medicines and cause severe allergies. It is always advised to soak almonds overnight to avoid the occurrence of any kind of allergy. Eating 10 to 15 almonds daily is enough for your body and will not pose any kind of side effect.

Origin And Cultivation of Almond

If you eat small quantities of almonds daily, then it will not cause any side effects. However, eating lots of almonds can cause several side effects and allergies. Eating too many almonds mean you are overdosing yourself with excess minerals and vitamins that will lead to gastrointestinal problems, such as nauseaabdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation. It may also lead to put on weight and become obese. It can interfere with your medicines and cause severe allergies. It is always advised to soak almonds overnight to avoid the occurrence of any kind of allergy. Eating 10 to 15 almonds daily is enough for your body and will not pose any kind of side effect.


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